Apps available to reduce stress, nervousness, and anxiety
- Headspace: meditation, stress relief - free with in-app purchases
- Rootd: mindfulness, deep breathing, emergency contacts - free with in-app purchases. Stop Panic and Anxiety Self-Help - free
- Relax & Rest Guided Meditations: mindfulness, meditation - $1.99
- Calm: mindfulness, meditation - free with in-app purchases
- Stop Breathe and Think: mindfulness, meditation - free
- Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep: free with in-app purchases
- Smiling Mind: mindfulness, meditation - free
- Finch: daily self-care, free with in-app purchases
- Blue Cross Blue Shield: app for virtual counselors and doctors
If you have a medical or mental health emergency or if you are involved in or have witnessed a situation that requires immediate assistance from the police/sheriff, fire department, or ambulance
Help is available 24 hours a day.