Application Services

Application services provide student and financial data system support to twenty-two school districts.  Data warehousing services are provided to Bay-Arenac ISD’s seven public and two charter school districts.

Network Services

Network services are provided to the school districts of Bay and Arenac counties as well as two districts outside of the ISD. These services include server and network support, Internet access, web content filtering, and firewall services.

Technician Services

Technician services are provided through the placement of technicians in one Michigan school district as well as internal ISD departments. These technicians are all CompTIA A certified and provide desktop/laptop, user, application, and printer support.

Contact Us

Michael Verschaeve
Associate Director
Erika Rupert
Administrative Assistant
Christine Schaefer
Application/Data Support Specialist
Lisa Zettle
Application/Data Support Specialist
Mark Bostick
Network Engineer
David Hobbs
Network Engineer
Jared Forrest
Computer Technician
Nicole Hobbs
Computer Technician