Pregnancy to Preschool Partnership
The Bay-Arenac Pregnancy to Preschool Partnership is a joint recruitment and enrollment effort. It was developed by local agencies to ensure a family-friendly intake and enrollment process for early childhood programs in Bay and Arenac Counties.
Bay-Arenac ISD serves as the implementing agency.
Families that complete the intake information are referred to either the Maternal Infant Health Program, Early Head Start, Starting Strong (Parents As Teachers), Head Start or the Great Start Readiness Program:
- Maternal Infant Health Program: Offered by the Bay County Health Department and Central Michigan District Health Department for Medicaid-eligible families. A home visiting program for families, pregnancy to 12 months of age.
- Early Head Start: Offered by the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA), a federally-funded program for eligible families, pregnancy to age 3.
- Starting Strong (Parents As Teachers): Offered by the Bay-Arenac ISD, a home visiting program available to all families from pregnancy to age 5.
- Head Start: Offered by the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA), a federally-funded preschool program that promotes the school readiness of children ages 3-5 years old.
- Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP): Offered by local school districts and community-based organizations, GSRP is Michigan’s state-funded preschool program for 4-year-old children.
Families and children are referred to programs based upon parent preference, child’s residence, special needs, and eligibility requirements. Every attempt is made to fill all home visiting programs, Head Start and Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) openings prior to the establishment of a waiting list.
To be eligible for Head Start or GSRP, children and families must meet federal and state guidelines, including income.
All programs serve children with disabilities and/or special needs.